May/June 2021


Keep Presbyopes Sold on Multifocals

Experts offer pearls on combating comfort, vision and price concerns to reduce lens dropout.

ARVO 2021 Highlights: Abstract Review

Learn how new discoveries can help clinicians preserve vision.

Seeing Multifocal Optics More Clearly

As the presbyopia population grows, so does the number of multifocal contact lenses. That gives you more options—but also more to master. Here’s an overview.

Slowing Myopia Progression with Multifocal Lenses

Integrating this service into practice is beneficial for both patients and ODs. Here’s a primer.


Corneal Consult

Slippery Slope

Though benign in nature, lipid keratopathy can still prove deleterious to vision.

My Perspective

Vaccinations and the Susceptible Cornea

Prepare patients who have had a graft in the past on what to expect.

The Big Picture

Birds of a Feather

If a corneal scar has diffuse, wispy borders, suspect chronic, long-term myofibroblast activity as a consequence of healing, rather than an acute process.

The GP Experts

CLEAR: What’s in it for GPs?

This report details everything you need to know about GPs and why it’s a viable option for several patients.